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Stover House

Stover House was built by James Templer I of Stover. James bought the Manor of Teigngrace together with Stofford Lodge. James pulled down the old lodge and the new mansion was built on higher ground. The new building was completed in about 1780.

The house was extended by his son James II and his grandson George, however, George was required to sell the house to the Duke of Somerset in 1829.

The house is now part of Stover School. We must point out that this is Private Property and should not be visited without specific permission.

The school is very proud of its association with the Templer family and aims to produce a book detailing the history of the building and school in the near future.

If you would like to know more about the school please visit www.stover.co.uk

Please respect the privacy of the school. It is important that for the health and safety of the children and staff that unauthorized members of the public do not wander around the grounds

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