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Henry Line Templer Jr
and the Honeychurches

 This section is of particular interest to the Honychurch family who descended from Henry Line Templer

Henry Line Templer Jr had a  liaison with Frances Elizabeth Honychurch. From this Harry Line Templer Honychurch was born just before Henry Line Templer drowned of the coast of Cameroon. He was never to know his son.

Henry Line Templer, born in 1825, Mariner Royal Navy, died in Camaroons, Africa the 27 August 1857, son of John Line Templer and Anne nee Davey, (married)

Frances Elizabeth Honychurch, in 1857 in Non event (born in 1831 in Bovey Tracy and died in 1904 in Sutton Coldfield, daughter of THOMAS HONYCHURCH and ANN AMERY).

  He joined the Royal Navy and rose to the rank of mate. The log of H.M.S.Trident, the first iron steam frigate ordered by the navy, a paddle sloop built of iron at Blackwall by Ditchburn and Mare 1845, gives us a clear insight into life onboard in the mid Victorian days. The Captain entered on the title page of the log covering 25 June 1857 to 7 February 1858 " H.M.S.Trident sails very badly, under no circumstances will she go more than 6.5 knots. She is a most leeward vessel making a point and a half leeward with the floats off and under the most favourable circumstances. H.M.S. Trident was commissioned to patrol the South Atlantic on Anti slavery duties. Off the Cameroon Coast, Africa. Commander, F.A.Close, Master G.H.Allen, Mate H.L.Templer. On 3 August the wreck of the British ship "Agnes" was sighted, and the ship anchored off the River Bimbia. Next day cutters were sent with party under Lieut. Allingham and the Consul. Could not approach within 4 miles of the wreck, it being surrounded by sandbanks. For 22 days they tried but high surf made it very dangerous. 28 August 1857 5 a.m. Wreck to Trident, surf too dangerous for boats alongside. 6.30 a.m. Sent Mr. Templer (mate) with 1st gig to land 4 miles to leeward of wreck with dispatches and orders for the party on shore. Made 1st. cutters recall and fired gun to enforce signal as she was running into danger. 8.00 a.m. 1st. cutter returned. 08.30 a.m. Sent 1st cutter to join 1st gig with orders to anchor leeward of the surf. 11.30 a.m. Cutter returned bringing the 1st gig's crew and the melancholy news that the 1st gig had capsized in the surf and Mr. Templer had unfortunately been drowned, the crew having saved themselves by swimming. The Trident went on to capture the U.S. slave ship Lydia Gibbs, in 1858. Picture of Trident from Maritime Museum.

 Letter of Administration 5 September 1859;- Henry Line Templer, late a mate, belonging to Her Majesty Ship H.M.S.Trident on the coast of Africa, who died 27 August 1857. granted at the Principal Registry of Her Majesty’s Court of Probate to Octavious Ommanney of 40, Charing Cross, Middx., navy agent a creditor of the said deceased, having been first sworn duly to administer John Line Templer, the natural and lawful father, having been first cited with the usual internation but in no way appeared. Effects under £50.


  EVELYN FRANCES HONYCHURCH, born ,at 124, High  Street, Erdington, Warks, 10 March 1900 daughter of HARRY LINE TEMPLER HONYCHURCH and SOPHIA DODD), married (M) (1st)WILLIAM EDWARD THORNTON,the 22 September 1934 in Erdington  (2nd) (M)GERALD SATCHWELL, 25 April 1970.

           Born the youngest of six, her mother died when she was only three years old, she was brought up by her eldest sister Agnes. After school she trained as a violinist under Miss Green of the Academy of Music, Wood End Road, Erdington, and qualified as an Associate of the London College of Music, living at "Alvaston" 21, Silverbirch Road, Erdington. A newspaper report gives details of a concert at the Assembly Hall, Church House, Erdington,in which EvelynChurch was part of a "highly trained and well balanced combination of the "Pupils Violin Orchestra". She gave a solo rendition of the last movement of Mendelssohn’s violin concerto. On 18 March 1923 she was a solo violinist at a concert at RinkPalace, Newport, Isle of Wight.

           On 23 January 1932 Evelyn became a member of the "Society of Apothecaries of London" qualifying as a dispenser of medicines.

           Soon after their marriage, it was decided to purchase land and build a house  at 25, Tudor Hill, Sutton Coldfield, situated up a cul-de-sac alongside the SuttonPark. The project cost about £400. A visit back there in the 1980's discovered that it had been sold recently for £195,000 Evelyn looked after her two nephews  Douglas and John Thomas, the sons of sister Agnes. John joined the R.A.F. when  he came of age. Douglas worked in design at the Austin Longbridge Works.

Evelyn died at Fernleigh, Park Avenue, Ventnor,Isle of Wight, of Congestive Heart Failure and Coronary thrombosis on 20 January 1984,

            An autograph album, discovered in 2004, belonging to Walter Honychurch has a drawing by him of Evelyn playing the violin aged 19.

AGNES SOPHIA HONYCHURCH born3 December 1885 at Corner Point Piper Road and Underwood Street, Paddington, Sydney,Australia. Married Alfred John Thomas 18 February 1918 (a corporal in the Royal Engineers No.37519). In 1922 she decided to  sell 124, High Street, Erdington, and moved to the Isle Of Wight, where she purchased the Grovenor Hotel, Belgrave Road, Ventnor. This she operated until 1939. She moved to Torquay and ran a guest house in Lisburn Crescent. I  remember staying there on holiday during the war. She returned to Ventnor in 1946 and bought the Chalet Hotel on the Esplanade, Ventnor, this was inherited by her son John Edward, she  retired to Belvedere, St. Lawrence, and remained there until her death.  

HAROLD GEORGE HONYCHURCHborn at Sutton Coldfield, 7 December 1888, and remained with Frances Elizabeth (grandmother) when parents returned  to Australia. Married (1) Ethel Mary Thomas, (sister of Alfred John above), 24 April 1918, at the WeslyanChurch, Erdington described as a Baker and confectioner at 116, Parade, Sutton Coldfield. (2) Ethel Dodd the daughter of George Dodd and Beatrice Shaw of Alders  Farm, Jack O'Watton, Water Orton, Warwickshire, 21 December 1946 at Holy Trinity Church, Birchfield, Staffordshire. She died at 5 August 1979 at 6, Little Sutton Lane, Sutton Coldfield. After the First World War he went toShrewsbury, on the advice of his brother Walter, where he operated a very successful Bakery and Confectioners Shop, until he retired. He died in 1975.  

ALBERT JOHN HONYCHURCH born14 August 1889 at Louisa Street,Granville District,New South Wales. Joined the East Yorkshire Regiment in the First World War. During the second World War he was camp barber at R.A.F. Uxbridge. Married Hilda Unknown. On retiring he moved to Woodington, Undercliff Drive, St. Lawrence. He became a keen member of Ventnor Bowls Club. After the death of Hilda he remarried and moved to Chale where he died, and is buried at St. Lawrence Church. Various wartime silk cards in Honychurch photo album.  Little else known (2004).

 WALTER JOSEPH HONYCHURCH born17 July 1891 at Louisa Street,Granville District,New South Wales. A letter from Harry Honychurch to his mother (FRANCES ELIZABETH) describes the difficult birth conditions of the time. All three brothers served in the First World War, Walter won the Military Medal as described in the Erdington newspaper. "Private Walter.J. Church. R.A.M.C.(T), son of Mr. H. Church, ironmonger, high Street, Erdington, who was well known as manager of  this business previous to the war, has been awarded the Military Medal for Gallantry and devotion to duty on 9 October 1917. He and three of his comrades, volunteered to rescue a wounded man under heavy shell fire, They succeeded, and whilst proceeding to the dressing station, a shell burst under the  stretcher, wounding them all and killing the front bearer. Private Church was wounded in the thigh and arm, and although in great pain and having to go many miles under extreme difficulties, he continued to carry the wounded man to the dressing station, which he reached quite exhausted. He was thereupon recommended for his bravery by the officer in charge. This was the third time he had been recommended whilst in France. He joined up in 1914 in the Territorials, under the command of Major Dr. Holland, along with several other Erdington "boys", who have ever since preserved a very cordial comradeship."

 GRACE MARION HONYCHURCH born13 September 1893 at Lutterworth, Leicestershire. The family actually owned a shop in  Bitteswell, situated just north of Luggershall, which was not sold until 1921 for £700 to Mrs. Stanley Smith, who appears to have been a tenant for years before.  At the age of 15, she took a course of shorthand and typewriting, after which  she held positions with Teutonic Steel Works, Birmingham and Sheffield (1908). The Birmingham Children's Hospital in 1912. Jarratt and Rainsford Ltd. in 1912, where  she learnt Spanish and French. In 1915 she went to Fletcher's Hardware Co. Ltd. where she replaced a man called up for the war, and held the position for 7 years. It was here she met and made friends with Nellie Harper, who  remained a lifelong friend and companion of Evelyn Frances. Autobiography in Honychurch photo album.

HARRY LINE TEMPLER HONYCHURCH, born at 1, Wyndham St., Plymouth  the 27 July 1857, son of HENRY LINE TEMPLER and FRANCES ELIZABETH HONYCHURCH),  married SOPHIA DODD, the 17 October 1883 in Boldmere, Warks (born the 29 August  1858 in Handsworth, Staffs and died the 30 July 1903 in 124, High St. Erdington, daughter of GEORGE DODD and SOPHIA JAMESON).He died at Ventnor, Isle of Wight in 1947,

           After the failure of the pottery at Bovey Tracy Thomas Honychurch and his wife Ann moved to Plymouth with two of their children Frances Elizabeth and Julia, and the 1861 census shows that Harry was in the care of his Aunt Julia and his Grandparents whilst Frances Elizabeth was away possibly looking for her husband in London not knowing of his fate. Frances eventually took Harry to Birmingham, where he trained as a jeweller and diamond setter living at 47 Ledsam Street, Birmingham when the 1881 census was taken. He was in the local choir at St. Martin's Church, Edgbaston where the organist gave him a reference as having "a good alto voice". He met and married Sophia Dodd at Boldmere Parish Church on 17 October 1883 and they appear to have spent their honeymoon in Australia, and their first child Agnes Sophia was born on 3 August 1885 at the Corner of Point Piper Road and Underwood Street, Paddington, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Harry and Sophia returned to England to have their second child Harold George at Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield, on 7 December 1887.

           They left Harold with Frances and returned to Australia where he took a job for 12 years as jeweller with William Kerr, Manufacturing Watchmaker and Jeweller of 544, George Street, Sydney. Their next child was Albert John born on 14 August 1889 at Louisa Street, Auburn, where they had purchased a "detached wooden dwelling, roofed with iron" of the value £150 as shown on the insurance policy No. 64700  issued by Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company, 120 Pitt Street, Sydney. A  letter to his mother describes how hard the life was when the next son arrived. Walter Joseph was born with great difficulty on 17 July 1891, in fact it reads that both mother a child were nearly lost. Sophia had had  enough of Australia and returned to England with the children in time to have her next child Grace Marion born at Bitteswell, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, on 13 September 1893 . Harry sent regular amounts of money back to Sophia. His mother's will puts him still in Australia in April 1893. A letter written by Harry to Sophia 24 February 1896 describes his Ordinance of Baptism. Harry finally returned to England and lived at 124 High Street, Erdington, where Evelyn Frances was born 10 March 1900. It is believed that Sophia became pregnant again in 1903, but a fall down  stairs resulted in her death. This appears to have caused a split in the family as from a letter from Harry to his sister-in-law Agnes Dodd, starts "I am grateful for your condolence, it is the only expression of sympathy I have had offered to me by any of the family".

           Harry and the family continued at 124, High Street, running it as an  ironmongers shop, Walter was made the manager. By 1922 it was decided to sell up. Harold  went to Shrewsbury and started a very successful Confectionary business, and Walter opened an Ironmongers Shop nearby. Agnes went to the Isle of Wight, where The Grovenor Hotel, Belgrave Road, Ventnor was purchased, and run with the help of Evelyn. At the outbreak of World War II the hotel was sold and Agnes went to Torquay, and Harry went to Span Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight where he was looked after until after the war. He then went to his daughter Evelyn's at Honythorne, until too ill and he finally died at St. Mary's Hospital 7 June 1947. His final resting place is at the Lowtherville Cemetary, Ventnor.  

FRANCES ELIZABETH HONYCHURCH, born (FB) in Bovey Tracy in 1831, died  in Sutton Coldfield in 1904, daughter of THOMAS HONYCHURCH and ANN AMERY),  married (1°) HENRY LINE TEMPLER in Non event (born in 1825 and died the 27 August 1857 in Camaroons, Africa, son of JOHN LINE TEMPLER and ANNE DAVEY). (2°) (M) THOMAS HARRISON, in 1868,

           Nothing is yet known about the  longstanding relationship of Frances and Henry Line Templer, but it is my contention that they knew each other for some time. The Templers and Honychurchs both lived in the Bovey Tracy area, in fact the Templers were landlords of the Pottery land as shown in the Tithes return of 1838. It may be that they only met when  forced to live in Plymouth, but seems unlikely. After the birth of her son Henry it is my feeling that Frances was in London, hoping to find his father to tell him the good news. The Templers appear to have never known about Frances so she would not have been informed of his death.

           For some reason she went to the Midlands leaving Henry with his Aunt and Grandparents (C61) here she met and married (M) Thomas Harrison a  gardener 24 August 1868 Later Henry also went to Birmingham, and lodged separately  to his mother, who could have been in service as a cook as in the 1881 census an Elizabeth Harrison, a widow, aged 50, born in Bovey Tracy. It should be  noted that she claimed to be a widow when she married Thomas Harrison.  A letter from her son Harry in Australia indicates that Thomas Harrison was still alive in 1891, but has no mention of him  in the will of 1893.

           Her will is dated 25 April 1893, living at Highbury Road, Wylde Green, Birmingham. "I give and bequeath to my son Harry Honeychurch, Louisa Street, Auburn, Australia, N.S.W., all my personal estate, everything belonging to me and standing in my  name at the time of my death. Absolutely and entirely to do what he thinks proper with."

           During the 1890's she looked after her grandson Harold at Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield, Warks. whilst his parents were inAustralia. She died there of Cerebral Haemorrhage 9 January 1904.

THOMAS HONYCHURCH, born in Kingsteinton, Devon the 4 July 1797,  Potter, died in Plymouth, Devon the 12 March 1861, son of JOHN HONYCHURCH and  GRACE CHERITON), married ANN AMERY, the 1 May 1830 in Lustleigh (born the 19 March 1801 in  Lustleigh, Devon, daughter of JOHN AMERY and ANN AMERY).

            Thomas was the forth son of John (52) and Grace (53) his entry  in the Kingsteinton Baptism Register is given as son of John and Mary, however all other children are recorded as of John and Grace. Thomas became a  potter, and when his father acquired the Foly Pottery in 1812, he was already working there.

           In 1827, there was a sign of disagreement among the sons of John, as in the Exeter Flying Post of 30 August, Thomas inserted a notice dated 22 August to the effect that the partnership lately existing between his brother Samuel and himself was dissolved and Samuel's share transferred to brother John. He and John would in future carry on the Pottery business and money owing should only be paid to himself or John.

           (M) The Exeter Flying Post of 5 June 1830 reports " married on Saturday last at Lustleigh, Mr Thomas Honychurch of South Bovey, earthenware manufacturer, to Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. John Amery of Barne Court. The Amery family owned large amounts of Lustleigh and district.

            The tithe map of 1840 shows the extent of the Pottery estate and surrounding property, the pottery covered over 27 acres and there were more than 7 acres of coal pits, shown in the possession of Thomas, and interestingly the  landlords were the trustees of the late Rev. John Templer.

           Thomas and Ann were still living at the pottery during the 1841 census, together with their children, Frances aged 10, Samuel 7, Mary 5, and Julia 3.

            Grace Honychurch born at Bovey Tracy 31 December 1842

            In 1847, Thomas had become a member of the Chartist Land Company later called National Land Company and was described as a labourer. He was shortly to be lucky in a draw for farmland for in 1851 he is listed on the census, as  living at Lowbands, Red Marley, Gloucestershire with his wife Ann aged 50, his  son Samuel aged 17 (D who died at St. Peter's Hospital, Bristol aged 24 16 April 1859) and his two youngest daughters, Grace aged 8 (FB)(D who died of  Typhoid Fever, aged 12 on 2 February 1854 and Julia aged 12. No mention of Frances.

            Redmarley, Dabitott District, Worcestershire,(now in Gloucestershire)

            Thomas Honeychurch, age 53, farmer of 4 acres, formerly a master of pottery, born Kingsteignton.

             Ann, wife aged 50, of Lustleigh, Samuel son 17, Julia 12, Grace 8, all of Bovey Tracy.

Redmarley, Gloucestershire

            Thomas and his family went from Devon to the Lowbands Estate in the Parish of Redmarley, Gloucestershire about 1848,  where he obtained there his plot of land and small cottage as a member of the Chartist movement. The soil raised crops of wheat, beans, peas and barley

           In 1664 the battle of Redmarley, in which 2-3000 troops were engaged, was fought among the fields outside the village. In the fight the Royalist leader,  Major General Myns was killed.

            The manor of Redmarley was sold to William, Lord Beauchamp, (born (BP)1782 ,died unmarried 12 May 1823), in 1812 and remained in the possession of that family for at least 100 years

           The Chartist Movement collapsed in 1852, Lewin puts him in Birmingham in 1858 at 5 Dwellings, Icknield Street West, and described as a Beer Retailer???

            It is interesting, that a person, who once employed 50 men should suddenly become a Socialist.

           The 1861 Census for Charles Ward, Plymouth, gives his address as 15, Providence Street, Plymouth where he is listed as a retired potter aged 65, with his wife Ann aged 60, daughter Julia aged 22, and grandson Henry L.T.Honychurch, aged 3.

            Thomas died at 15, Providence Street, Plymouth12 October 1861, aged 65, he died of Apoplexy, suffering from paralysis for 2 years, occupation given as carpenter. Did he have a stroke in the midlands??

           (FB) Hand writen entry in the family Bible by Ann records his death as 12 October 1861, aged 65 years. Throughout all the times and troubles, Ann recorded all the births and deaths of the family. The Bible is now in the possession of Mrs. Gisela  Thomas of Ventnor, Isle of Wight.

The Chartist Movement

(PHE page 417) When the Parliament was opened by Queen Victoria on 5 February 1839, Her Majesty said; "I have observed with pain the persevering efforts which have been made in some parts of the country to excite my subjects to  disobedience and resistance to the law, and to recommend dangerous and illegal  practices". Chartism for the next 10 years had begun to take root, in spite of a proclamation making it illegal.

           A document called "The People's Charter" was embodied into a Bill in 1838. The working classes were under employed due to the Industrial  Revolution, and the Principles of Socialism had gradually made their way into the country from France. The organ of Chartism was the "Northern Star" of Mr. Fergus O'Connor, a M.P. for Nottingham, who contrived many hard working people to subscribe their money to his  schemes for establishing "The National Land Company" Note here that on 21 December 1848 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte took the oath as President of the French Republic, and continued in office until 1852. The Chartist movement was crushed by the government preparations. Full details on pages 559 and 560.

           "A Potwork in Devonshire" by Brian Adams and Anthony Thomas gives full details of the pottery  history.

JOHN HONYCHURCH, born in North Tawton in 1752, son of SAMUEL HONYCHURCH and ELIZABETH UNKNOWN), married GRACE CHERITON, the  31 December 1787 in Zeal Monochorum (born in 1755 and died in 1830, daughter of HENRY  CHERITON and ELIZABETH COCKRAM). died in  2 April 1837 , at Clannaborough.

            The eldest surviving son of Samuel, he lived his early life in North Tawton, where he is described as "yeoman". Lyson's Devonshire of 1822 says that John, jointly with his brother Samuel possessed lands in North Lew, These would have been those of the Manor of Harper's Hill, formerly property of the  Arscotts. He also owned land in North Tawton, including a mill.Apparently Samuel had interest in this mill, no doubt running it on behalf of his elder brother. The three eldest children of John were christened at Zeal Monochorum before 1791, whereas after that date the  younger ones were christened in Kingsteignton. One concludes that the family  moved south at about this date. Ten years later a decision was taken to sell the  mill at North Tawton when the following advertisement appeared in the Exeter Flying Post of 12 August.

                       "Devon. A capital set of corn grist mills, situate in North Tawton. To be sold by public auction at the New Inn in the town of North Tawton on Monday the thirteenth day of this instant August at 4 o'clock in the afternoon subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced.

                       All these capital and desirable corn and grist mills  called North Tawton Manor Mills otherwise the town mills situate in the Parish of North  Tawton consisting of a dwelling house with all suitable out buildings, an  orchard and garden, a set of corn mills with two water wheels and three pairs of  stones situate in the midst of a fertile corn country and in which a very extensive Meal and Flour trade may be carried on, as there is always an abundant supply of water. The premises are situate about 6 miles from Okehampton, 10 miles from Tavistock, and 20 miles from Exeter and at an easy distance from several market towns, and are now held for a term of 99 years determinable of the  deaths of three good lives with the advantage to add another life for a certain  sum upon the death of a life.

                       For viewing the same apply to Mr. Honychurch at Kingsteinton (the proprietor) or Mr. Samuel Honychurch at North Tawton; and for further particulars to Mr. Francis Cross, Attorney at Law, Paschoe, Nr. Crediton.

                       If the premises should not be disposed of, a Survey will  be immediately held for letting the same for a term, at a yearly rent and immediate  possession may be had. Dated 9 August 1802.

                       The result of this is not known.

           About this time John became interested in the Folly Pottery at Bovey Tracy, and went into partnership with a John Bennett, Joseph Rogers and Thomas Harrison in 1807, but by the October a dispute took place and the partnership was dissolved. Five years later in 1812, he decided to buy the pottery from a Charles Wells  for £180 and three of his sons became involved.

            A Norman Stretton records that there were two potteries at Bovey in the  early part of the 19th century. The second was Folly Pottery referred to in a manuscript in the Bodlean Library written by John Pike Jones of Chudleigh about 1823, that says that on the Heathfield close to the Coal Pitts is Folly Pottery. It was begun by Messrs. Mead and Lamble about 20 years since and is now conducted by the Messrs. Honychurch who have a lease of the Pottery and coal pits from Lord Courtenay, and employ about 50 potters. A considerable quantity of white and blue earthenware, and a black earthenware in imitation of Wedgewood's is manufactured at their works.  we know that they supplied the Navy during the Napoleonic wars, but after the  war ended in 1815 the pottery suffered in the post war depression and unfortunately by 1836 circumstances caused them to become bankrupt, and it was offered  for sale by public auction at the Unicorn Inn, Bovey Tracy.

           After acquiring the pottery in 1812, John seems to have taken little interest. He seems to have acted the country gentleman, In 1819 we have reference to  Mr. John Honychurch of Bovey Tracy, Five Wyches, qualified to serve on juries at  the Castle of Exeter, he was sworn before a Justice of the Peace on 27 September 1819.

           Possibly because of his wife dying he returned to her home area where, described  as "Gentleman" of Clannaborough he wrote his will in 1834. His grave has not been found or recorded in the area, but he may have been returned to Bovey Tracy. Must check this as Grace was buried there. He died in 1837.

            Devon Record Office For Executors

                       Appeared personally, William Honychurch of North Lew in the County of Devon, yeoman, son and sole executor, named in the will of John Honychurch, late of the Parish of Clannaborough, gentleman deceased, who died on the  second day of April 1837....the whole of the goods, chattels and credits, of which  the deceased died.....and without deducting any thing on account of the debts due....are under the value of one hundred pounds...

           signed William Honychurch, 29 July 1837

            It appears that there are Honychurchs in Dominica and North Carolina descended from this line, Lenox Honychurch known to Bernard Hadley, husband of Lady Paulina.                                                                                                    

SAMUEL HONYCHURCH,born in North Tawton in 1710, died in North Tawton in 1794, son of JOHN HONYCHURCH and CHARITY HOLMES), married ELIZABETH UNKNOWN

            The youngest son of John. In 1783, there is an indenture whereby certain school lands in North Tawton were settled in lieu of Upcott which was conveyed to Samuel Honychurch.

            Three years later, he was described as a farmer of North Tawton in the Exeter Flying Post of 3 August 1786. Samuel then had an apprentice, William Northam, who ran away on 16 July.  William is described as almost 18, 5 feet 4" high, fair complexion, light hair, walking a little lame, and wearing a white coat and leather breeches. The Public Notice goes on to say whoever harbours or employs the said apprentice will be prosecuted.    Possible church warden of North Tawton 1746 recording death of Thomas Honychurch on January 26th 1747.

            Samuel and Elizabeth had 6 children, 5 sons and one daughter, namely;- John I  Baptised and died 1751, John II baptised 1752, Thomas 1754, Samuel 1759, Thomas  born and died 1761 and Elizabeth 1762. All of North Tawton. Surname of wife not found 6/5/03. No entry on IGI for birth, mar. or death)

           (HOS page 364) Upcot Barton situated about one and half miles north of the church of Cheriton Fitzpaine, was the seat of the Upcots in Henry III's time. By the early 15th. century it had come to Nicholas Radford, a lawyer, who was murdered by Sir Thomas Courtenay, son of the earl of Devon, and a band of followers. In Henry VIII's time Upcot  belonged to the Courtenays and became the seat of a younger branch of that  family. It is now a farmhouse, but retains considerable traces of its former status of "mansion".

ELIZABETH HONYCHURCH?, married SAMUEL HONYCHURCH(born in 1710 in North Tawton and died in 1794 in North Tawton, son of JOHN HONYCHURCH and CHARITY HOLMES).

           Apart from the marriage, nothing is known. 01/04.

JOHN HONYCHURCH, born in North Tawton in 1673, died in North Tawton in 1725, son of THOMAS HONYCHURCH and JUDITH HOOKE), married CHARITY HOLMES, in 1695 in North Tawton.

            The eldest son, he married at the age of 22 in what was now the ancestral  village church of North Tawton. They are believed to have had 7 children, 4 sons and 3 daughters. Thomas christened 1695, Barnabus 1705, Charity 1708, Samuel 1710 and Judith 1714. John and Ann, who are presumed to be their children are not recorded in North Tawton, Seemingly born between 1695 and 1705.

           In 1723, John like his father, was a "Guardian" of the ParishChurch. During his lifetime he sold the Manor at Honychurch which had belonged to the  family for generations.

            onNovember 14 1740, Anne daughter of Henry Honychurch was buried. John Honychurch was  churchwarden.

           On 26 January 1747 a Thomas Honychurch  was buried atNorth Tawton, the church warden was Samuel Honychurch.

416 : THOMAS HONYCHURCH, died in North Tawton in 1729, son of JOHN HONYCHURCH and REBECCA PAYNE), marriedJUDITH HOOKE, in 1672.

            the youngest son, was in all probability born and christened during the  upheaval of the Civil War, Records were ill kept. This would explain for not being  able to find any record of this christening. His activities included "viewing" inventories and Churchwardenship. He died in 1729.

           Children of Thomas and Judith;- John 1673, Thomas 1676, Henry 1679, Christopher 1682, Mary 1685, Martha 1688, Barnabas 1692 and Elizabeth 1696.

 JOHN HONYCHURCH, died in  North Tawton ,  Devon in 1665, son of JOHN HONYCHURCH and UNKNOWN HONYCHURCH?), married REBECCA PAYNE, in 1635 in  St. Martin ,  Exeter .

            Unlike his younger brother William and sister Katherine, he seems not to have  gone intoCornwall with his father, He must have been an adult when they migrated. John died in 1665, and is buried in North Tawton.


            Very little is known of John. He is mentioned in his father's will, where as a third and younger son, he is left his father's gelding riding accoutrements and the debts accruing to his father from Edward Lackington (RWT, his father-in-law) and Richard Cole (or Coole), his brother in law, He also gets a feather bed  and "with fit furniture for the same. He is left no property. Although in 1611 he is described as "Gent". No doubt he lived quite a tolerable existence as one of a family whose main residence and lands remained at Aveton Gifford.

           In 1633 his brother, Henry of Aveton Gifford, died


JOHN HONYCHURCH, born in Avyton Gifford in 1543, died in Luton, Aveton Gifford the 2 May 1605, son of ANTHONY HONYCHURCH and ISABELLA  FORTESQUE), married MARY ROWLAND, the 11 May 1562 in MODBURY (born in 1540, daughter of EDMUND ROWLAND and JOAN ROWLAND?).

           (DRO) Fortescue of Castle Hill ref. 1262M/T/1142 date 1573. Messuages and lands in borough ( as above)Glanvylles ley and ley meadows also in borough, also higher meadow adjoining little meadow at Bannawyll, tenement at Bannawyll, John Honychurch of Aveton Gifford, gent., to Nicholas Glanvyle of Tavistock, merchant.

           Date of marriage from I.G.I. name spelt HONNYCHORCH

age 30 or more at death of father. I.P.M. gives details of his estates with  lands in Aveton Gifford, Honychurch, Crediton, Cheriton Bishop, Okehampton, Nymet Tracy, Spreyton, and Bishops Nymet also fam. tree of 1605 confirm his parents as Anthony and Elizabeth and children

ANTHONY HONYCHURCH, born in 1510, died in AVYTON GIFFORD the 20  June 1573, son of WILLIAM HONYCHURCH and EMMA COLES), married ISABELLA FORTESQUE (born in 1515 in Wimpstone, Devon and died the 12  October 1576 in Avyton Gifford, daughter of THOMAS FORTESQUE and FLORENCE BONVILLE).

           No birth found I.G.I. etc. Inquisition  taken at Oakhampton 10 Oct. 1573 lists lands held in Tavistock, Honeychurch and  Avyton Gifford, Plympton and Brodewoodkellie. Confirms date of death, and son aged 30. Marriage to Isabella (Elizabeth) refered to on Visitations and Fortesque history. He purchased land from Sir John Chichester of Raleigh tenanted by John Cole , wife Cesselye and son Richard)


           AVETON GIFFORD. Bargain and sale by Sir John Chichester of Raleigh, Knight, to Anthony Honychurch of Modburye, esquire, of his moyie? of the  capitall messuage, barton and farm in Aveton , alias awton, Giffourd and of all his messuages, lands etc there thereto belonging to the tenure of John Cole, cisselye his wife, and Richard their son. And also the parcels of ground and wood called Weare Down and Weare Woode in Wooton Hay within the precinct of the clyff and of the sole and grounds adjoining to Wooton Hay on which the  salte water ebbs and flowes from the north end of Wooton Hay to Mylberde  Steppes in Aveton Giffourd, with free passage over the sands without the clyff from Miller Steppes aforesaid to Aveton Bridge for the caryage of sand woode and other things. Saving to Sir John the avowson of the church of Aveton Giffourd, letes, vewes of frauncheplege, and of fellons and fugytyves, wayves, strayers,  wrackes of the seas and fletes, and the free fisshings, drawing with nettes and  settings and pitchings of Stakes for fishing, roweyng with botes, landyng and  going for drawing of fisshe between Wotton Hay and Aveton Bridge and Stodecombe Osee, and markets and fayers and liberty for kepyng the courts: And aslo the myll leate running through the premises to the grist mill in the tenure of Joseph Collinge, Johan his wife and Robert their son, with liberty of ingress and egress for scowring same.

 Enrolment 24 July.

HONEYCHURCH, Anthony. 15 Elizabeth (1573) I.P.M. Vol.275 (239)


Devon. Delivered into court 7 November (1573) by William Carnew, servant of the Escheator.

Inquisition taken at Oakhampton 10 October 15 Eliz. (1573) before Edward Whiddon Esq., escheator by the oath of John Alford gent. Oliver Downe, John Byrkett,  John Norwill, John Bower Senior, John Bower Junior, John Tapper, William Furlerd, Steven Baron, John Canne, Roger Bowdon, John Vernamn and John Bowdon; who say that Anthony Honychurch esquire, was seised in his demesne as of fee of 8 Messuages and 29 acres in the borough of Tavistock held of Francis, Earl of Bedford of his borough of Tavistock by fealty and 2s. rent worth by the year clear £10.

Also a messuage and 27 acres in Honeychurch held of George Speke, Knight of  his manor of Wemworthie, by fealty and 12d rent, worth by the year 12 shillings.

Also 2 tenements and 145 acres and a moity of 11 messuages and 520 acres in  Awton Gifforde, held by the heirs of the Earl of Devon of his fee of Plympton  by fealty worth by the year £16.

Also a messuage and 35 acres in Brodewoodkellie, held y the heirs of the Earl of Devon of the fee of Oakhampton, by fealty and 2s. rent worth by the year 20shilling.

              Anthony Honychurch died 20 June (1573

              John, son and heir aged 30.

              AVETON GIFFORD, formally had one of the oldest and most interesting churches inDevon (St. Andrew) built in the late 13th. century for the most part, a cruciform building with a central tower. It was almost completely destroyed in a "tip and run" raid in 1943 and is still (1951) a ruin. The church was rebuilt and completed by 1970. About this time whilst on holiday with Aunt Aggie Thomas, I  was on the beach with my mother, when a stray German plane flew over us and  machine gunned and bombed to the west of Torquay. The farms of Heathfgield and Stadbury were Domesday manors, Harraton  beside the Modbury road is a good example of an early 17th. Century farmhouse. Court Barton, near the ruined church, retains some older features.

           AVETON GIFFORD and MODBURY are about 2 miles apart.

WILLIAM HONYCHURCH, born in Tavistock, died in Aveton Gifford in 1547, son of WALTER HONYCHURCH and MARION MARY FITZ), married EMMA COLES, in 1510 in North Tawton, Devon (born in North Tawton, daughter of JOHN COLES).

           (VOD) Walter honychurch of Tavestock, married Emma, daughter of John Coles of North Tawton     

            His will dated 10/10/1546, described as "William Honychurch Avtoneforde de Lewton contaria" establishes to move from Tavistock to Aveton Gifford (Lewton). His marriage to Emma Coles of North Tawton would be the reason for next generations to move there. His daughter Arminell married Simon Weeks, son of Sir Richard Weeks, of Honeychurch hamlet. This will  was destroyed by enemy action during the Second World War.

           (HC) Educated at Lincoln Inn, admitted 20 July 1503. Pens. 1519/20, Bencher May 1520, Keeper of Black Book 1522, Treasurer 1526/7, Lent reader 1528, Com of Subsidy Devon 1514/15 J.P. 1529.

           (HC)The family of Honychurch doubtless originated at the village of that name near North Tawton and may have retainedd a connection with the district before William Honychurch  found a wife there. By his day , however, at least two generations of his forbears had prospered in Tavistock. His grandfather john had represented the borough in Parliament in 1453 and 1478, and his father Walter had buttressed the family's position by marrying into the prominent Fitz family.

           William Honychurch became a lawyer and much of what is known about him relates  to his career atLincoln's Inn. As a student he was punished in 1505 for breaking down the kitchen door and for drawing a dagger on the chaplain, but these escapades he lived down to become a bencher and office bearer of the Inn. There are occasional glimpses of his local activities and connections. In 1525 he was a feoffee in Tavistock and two years later Sir William Fyloll left him a bequest as one of his learned counsel, he may well have been the author of a  letter, dating from between 1525 and 1527 and surviving in a mutilated form, in which a lawyer advised Fyloll on his litigation with Sir John Seymour. He  perhaps also acted for the Marquess of Exeter who was to have the wardship of his  son. His membership of Parliament in 1529 answered tohis combination of local standing with a London domicile which probably spared the borough the expense of supporting him, and he may indeed have anticipated it in 1523, when the names of the members for  Tavistock are unknown. This convenient arrangement was to be cut short by his  death (Bindoff has death circa 1530 but he did not die until 1547) His move to Aveton Gifford may explain the absence from Tavistock. Bindoff also goes on to say his son Anthony was " in great necessity and bare of money" as a student at Lion's Inn, but this may be the fault of his guardian the Marquess of Exeter. We know that  Anthony became very wealthy. It could be that as Yorkists they were keeping  their heads down for a while.

EMMA COLES, born in  North Tawton , daughter of JOHN COLES, married WILLIAM HONYCHURCH in  North Tawton , Devon (born in Tavistock and died in 1547 in Aveton Gifford, son of WALTER HONYCHURCH and MARION MARY FITZ).

           No IGI. FName from Lewin research,  confirmed by Bindoff (HC)

WALTER HONYCHURCH, born in of Tavestock in 1450, son of JOHN HONYCHURCH and JOANNE JULKYN), married MARION MARY FITZ (daughter of JOHN FITZ).

           (VOD) Walter Honychurch of Tavestock  married Marion, daughter of John Fitz of Tavestock, gentleman.

            Birth based on father's details only. Information from Lewin gives details of  Fitz family.  no record on I.G.I. He is not shown on Fitz visitations, but a Pedigree of Lady Howard by William  de la Pole shows that he married Mary Fitz. A cousin, Katherine Fitz, married a William Bond of Earth 27 March 1557 at St. Stephens. In a quitclaim of  Isabel Honychurch 30 December 1573, she mentions William Bonde as a neighbour  of her land. Also a John Fitz being a neighbour of other land.

JOHN HONYCHURCH, born in of Tavistock about 1420, M.P.Tavestock, died in 1505, son of JOHN HONYCHURCH and JOANE WYKE), married JOANNE JULKYN (daughter of JOHN JULKYN).

           (HOP page 466) Honychurch (Hevychurch), John (1420-90); of Tavistock. gent. M.P. Tavistock 1453-4, 1478. Son and heir of John Honychurch of same (Tavistock) by Jane daughter of Robert Wike (WYKE),  married Jane daughter of John Julkyn M.P., and had a son Walter whose son William was M.P. in 1529 for Tavistock ( Ex inf J.J.Alexander). From 1450 he was a feoffee (one by whom or to whom land is conveyed) and trustee of Tavistock parish lands and he occurs in nearly every Tavistock deed 1444 to 1490 (Tavistock Vestry Books) In 1470/1 he and William Webbe were paid their expences for going to Exeter (Tavistock Churchwarden accounts)

           (TFC page 282) John Honychurch was a  leading Tavistock resident, who married Joan, daughter of John Julkyn. His son Walter married Marion, daughter of his co-feoffee John Fitz. His name is given as Hony.... in the 1453 return, and as Hevychurch in the 1478, but the  identifications are obvious. See Wedgewood's Biographies, with the addition of the I.P.M. on Honychurch 1506.(TFC page 280) On 14 July 1472 a commission was appointed to investigate charges of rioting at Tavistock against John Fitz the elder, John Fitz the younger, and John Sawle

            Nothing on I.G.I. Name given on Visitations of Devon.

           (DRO) Fortescue of Castle Hill, Title deeds Tavistock. ref. 1262M/T/1130-1  date 1745.

Tenement in Tavistock  "alte Wille", where John lived, and croft, garden and close called "Hawkynys ley and Bromepark", Meadow called Byllyngs Bear and land in Shortes in Whitchurch, John Honychurch to Walter Pollard, clerk, Will Knight, and John  Hawcombe.

            He was a tennant of Tavestock Abbey at Inneswyth? They remained tennants until Henry VII broke up the monasteries. He became M.P. for Tavestock in 1453 and 1478. In the jubilee year of the Norman Conquest, Tavistock received a charter and became a market TOWN. it was governed from the Abbey till 1539 during which the Honychurch's were tenants, when Henry VII broke up the monasteries  and gave the estates to his friends. Tavistock Abbey was given to John Russell, the first Earl of Bedford. The stones of the old abbey still left for us to see are in the heart of the town round the square laid out by Duke Francis who spent  his mining royalties in developing the town. One record suggests that he was  probably a Yorkist. The Abbey remains are in the centre of town. From 1450 he was a feoffee of Tavestock Parish lands and he occurs in nearly every Tavistock deed  1444 to 1490. In 1470 he and William Webb were paid their expenses for going to Exeter)

           (VOD) John Honychurche of Tavestock married Joan, daughter of John Julkyn.

JOHN HONYCHURCH, born in Tavistock,  Devon about 1395, son of ROBERT HONYCHURCH, married JOANE WYKE in Tavestock? (born in 1420, daughter of ROBERT WYKE).

           From Heralds Visitations, earliest record, born about 1395)

           The Institute of Heraldic and genealogical Studies 9 March 1995, The blazon is properly;-

            "Azure, on a bend argent a dragon's head fesswise erased  close to the ears between two mullets Gules"

           They were attributed to a family named Honychurch of Honychurch (in the time  of Henry III, 1216-1272) and later of Aveton Gifford, in Devon.

           Glover's Ordinary, a late 16th century compilation, confirms that the Arms were borne by Sr de Honychurch.

           (DRO)Fortescue of Castle Hill ref. 1262M/T/1127-8 date 1434.

John Harry, Peter Eggecombe and John Colmestorre to Robert Honychurch and  Joan his wife