from Somerset, Devon and Dorset


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The main Templer tree

We now have about 400 records of various members and I am sure that there are still many more to find. Most of the hard work of tracing our family was done by cousins, (Jack) John Francis Templer and (Bob) Cecil Robert Templer who worked on the Salmon Pool side and James Trevor Templer who worked on the Stover side, prior to WWII. Initially it was believe that the Salmon Pool Templers and the Stover Templers were two distinct families, since James Templer, when applying for a Coat of Arms, made the claim that he was a descendant of a Colonel in the army of King William of  Orange who came to  England in 1688. This we believe was a red-herring. Eventually the two families were linked together back together again.

Bob and Jack were able to search through wills that were housed at Taunton,  Bob doing the research and Jack  translating from the old English. These records were transferred to  Exeter prior to the war, however, most of these records were lost during an air raid on Exeter. The family tree was passed down to Justin Gauntlett Templer who has passed much of his research on to me. Whilst I have add little primary research, with the benefit of the Internet I  have managed to add many more details to the individuals.

I have also added many other family that have been closely related to the Templers, such as the Bullers, Lethbridges, Priors etc. In many cases it can be shown that cousins married into each of these families over a number of generations, so that families are very interlinked

I am only the guardian of this Templer family information, so I hope that this and future generations will look after it.

At this point I would like to give my grateful thanks to Stuart Drabble, who was the bursar at Stover School and has taken a great interest in the Templer family and associated history. He has spent many, many hours researching James Templer of Stover and his family and I can’t recommend his book Haytor Granite enough. His essay on Templer & Parlby: Eighteenth century contractors, published in Engineering History and Heritage  (Proceeding of the Institute of Civil Engineers) is an excellent read

The London Templers

This family has been researched by Geoff Trussler who is related through his grandmother. The head of this line of Templers, a William Templer,  came from Alphington and we are quite sure that he related to the Salmon Pool side of the family. At the moment we can't make the link, but if you have any information to help us, we would love to join the two families together.

About me  - Andrew Templer

Like many people, I started to get interested in the family tree when my father died. He had given me garbled stories about the family and we knew that we were related to Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer. Uncle Dick (Richard Edward Templer) then gave me a copy of the tree and I realised that much of the hard work had already been done. Over a period of time, I got to know Geoff Trussler who then put me in contact with Justin Templer. With the help of Justin, many errors in Dick's tree were corrected and more members of the family added.

I continue to research the Templer family tree adding more information about members as I search the Internet.

My family tree is as follows:

Alexander Templer

Richard Templer

Richard Templer

Richard Templer

Thomas Templer

John Templer

Thomas Templer

John Templer

Henry Skinner Templer

Francis Henry Templer

Harold Edward Templer

David Eric Templer

Andrew Stephen Templer

Andrew Templer - 2020